Boundary Advisor | Problems with my Boundary

Jon Maynard Boundaries Ltd, Boundary Demarcation and Disputes, Rights of Way, Expert Witness, Chartered Land Surveyor


Boundary Advisor is a service operated by Jon Maynard Boundaries Ltd

Why use the Boundary Advisor?

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The use of this service is indicated by Options A1, A2 and D9 of our How can we help you? web page.

Purpose of the Remote Consultation

The Boundary Advisor's Remote Consultation, held either by telephone or by video conference, allows you to talk through with an experienced professional those issues of concern to you that relate to the boundaries of your land, or to a right of way affecting your land. These issues may result from difficulties in your relationship with a neighbouring landowner.

The Remote Consultation may:

  • help you to better understand the issues that concern you;
  • inform your decisions as to how to progress your interests;
  • advise you how to pursue settlement of a dispute with a neighbour.


Advantages of the Remote Consultation

It is inexpensive, because:

  • the Boundary Advisor does not travel to you but will remotely view your land during the Consultation using Internet resources and/or the photographs you provide;
  • by restricting the consultation to verbal advice given over a period of one hour, there are no expensive written reports.

It is a well-informed discussion, because:

  • the client provides key documents to the Boundary Advisor in advance of the consultation.

It is nationally available:

  • the cost of the Remote Consultation is not affected by how far from the Boundary Advisor you live.

It is quick:

  • the Remote Consultation will normally be held within a few days of the original request.


Expected outcome

The client will be more knowledgeable and better advised on the issues discussed during the Remotye Consultation and able to make better informed decisions arising out of this knowledge.

The advice that is offered during the Remote Consultation does not amount either to legal advice or to a professional opinion: the Boundary Advisor is a chartered land surveyor and not a trained lawyer. What you will receive is sound practical advice from a leading expert in the field of Boundary Demarcation and Disputes.


The Remote Consultation Process

The Remote Consultation Service has a number of stages -

Stage 1 is Registration: you send your contact details and your neighbour's name and address so that we can run a check to ensutre there are no conflicts of interest.

Stage 2 is your Payment for the intended service. We send you:
a)   a proforma invoice for payment electronically or by cheque;
b)   leaflet BA01, which states our terms and conditions;
c)   leaflet BA02, which suggests the kinds of document you might send us before the consultation.

Stage 3 is your submission of documents for consideration by the Boundary Advisor during the Remote Consultation.

Stage 4 is our acceptance of instructions: on receipt of your payment we will be under instructions to undertake a Remote Consultation with you in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in Leaflet BA01 and will issue a receipted VAT invoice.

Cancellation can be accepted at any time prior to Stage 5.

Stage 5 is the Remote Consultation, which is held over the telephone or by video conference at the client's request, during which our Advisor will discuss the issues with you and give his views. He may refer during to the consultation to such web sites as Google earth, Google Maps, the Land Registry web site, and the Boundary Problems web site.


Additional services

  • Acquiring documents. If you are unsure how to go about it, we can order documents for you from such Internet sources as Land Registry,, and from suppliers of aerial photography. We will charge you the actual cost of the document/s plus a handling fee.

  • Written reports. The Boundary Advisor's Telephone Consultation service does not include either a written record or a recording of the consultation. We can transfer your request to Jon Maynard Boundaries Ltd for actioning as "Professional Advice".



How much does a telephone consultation with the Boundary Advisor cost?

We allow 30 minutes of time for reading the documents sent to us by the client and doing any other researches our Boundary Advisor thinks necessary;
We allow one hour for the consultation;
We will send you a pro-forma invoice calculated as 1.5 hours at £110.00 per hour+VAT, which amounts to £198.00 and is payable in advance of the consultation.

I have no scanner: how do I send my documents to the Boundary Advisor?

Please send photocopies of documents by Royal Mail.

I want the Boundary Advisor to acquire for me the documents that I do not have. Does this affect the consultation?

Because the documents have to be ordered, supplied to us and sent to you prior to the consultation, this may delay the consultation by several days.

Does it matter that I will not have Internet access during the consultation?

This limits you to a Telephone Consultation, but the Boundary Advisor will view the land using tools such as Google Earth.

What happens if the consultation lasts less than 60 minutes?

We cannot give a discount for a short consultation.

What happens if the Consultation is likely to take more than 60 minutes?

The client will be given the options of:
a)   finishing on the hour;
b)   paying to continue the consultation if the Advisor is free to do so, or;
c)   transferring to the professional services of Jon Maynard Boundaries Ltd.

Where do I find the Internet resources that the Boundary Advisor might use during the Telephone Consultation?

Type into the URL field of your web browser (Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera, Safari), or click on the underscored link, below: for Google Maps, vertical aerial views, and Google Streetview. is the Land Registry web site.

Google Earth has to be installed on your computer and may be downloaded free from .